Employers for Carers (EfC) hosted the Summer Networking Event on 5 July which followed on from Carers Week’s theme of Making caring visible, valued and supported.
Helen Walker, Chief Executive of Carers UK, chaired the event and began by updating EfC members on recent developments at the charity including highlights from Carers Week. She referred to research released during Carers Week which showed that the number of unpaid carers remains higher than before the pandemic. The research can be viewed here.
Three of our EfC members provided updates about what they did in Carers Week and how they have been making caring visible, valued and supported in their own organisations.
The event was attended by Wendy Chamberlain MP to talk about the Private Member’s Bill on Carer’s Leave that she will be taking forward in Parliament and hear from EfC members who already provide this in their workplace. The intention of the Bill is to introduce a landmark new right to 5 days of unpaid carer’s leave to support millions of people juggling work and care.
The event concluded with an interesting and lively Q&A session including conversations about awareness raising activities during Carers Week, hybrid working, supporting carers in returning to the office and implementing carers leave.
Helen concluded the session by highlighting that the next EfC Members Networking event in October will be our first face to face networking event since the pandemic, with invites to follow shortly.